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VA Study Finds Chiropractic Linked to Lower Opiate Usage
We’re all aware of the serious problem in the US with opiate addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 115 Americans die from opiate overdoses each day (about 43,000 a year), and we spend about $78 billion on the total costs of opiate abuse.
What People Are Saying
Another Patient Writes: I was experiencing horrible back pain a couple weeks ago and instead of being prescribed useless pain meds or taking x-rays, I was immediately treated on and feeling so much better after my first visit. I was too scared…
Welcome to Spencer Chiro & PT
Dr. Seth Spencer is a 2013 graduate of New York Chiropractic College. Throughout the program, he advanced his knowledge of nutritional assessment tools, drug-induced nutrient depletion and nutritional support for various diseases…
What People Are Saying
One Patient states: Dr. Spencer has been my chiropractor since 2014 throughout numerous injuries. He’s professional, highly trained, positive, great energy and fully committed to providing relief for his patients, which he has done…